Kevin Peters
Director, Technical Sales and Environmental Services
Kevin Peters is a VP of Business Development at Subsea Global Solutions, LLC. He is a former US Marine and received his commercial diving training at the coastal school of deep-sea diving in Oakland California in 1982. Kevin started his career at Miami Diver LLC. in 1983. In 2000 he became president of Miami Diver's operations in the US and the Caribbean. With 30 years plus experience in underwater ship repair and husbandry Kevin had helped significantly in the growth and development of Miami Diver, LLC to become a globally recognized company in the maritime community. Under Kevin's leadership, Miami Diver became the first company in the world to qualify "Class A" underwater wet weld procedures to the AWS D3.6 Standard approved by Lloyds Register of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd in 1998. In 2014, Kevin was the co-recipient of the A.F. Davis Silver Medal for the excellence of a paper in the field of Maintenance and Surfacing entitled "Repair of a Hull 15 m below the Waterline" (AWS Welding Journal Nov 2014), awarded by the American Welding Society. He has been instrumental in the negotiations and process that merged Miami Diver with Parker Diving from Long Beach, California. With this merger he created a new company—Subsea Global Solutions LLC. He has since become very proactive in equipment design and development for underwater hull cleaning as well as developing environmentally friendly procedures for hull cleaning operations in ports around the world. When he isn't talking to a customer in some shipping hub or looking for the next logical location for new Subsea Global Solutions office locations, you can find Kevin on his boat diving and fishing off Miami Beach or baking artisan bread in his wood fired oven. He resides in Davie, Florida with his wife Carol and his two daughters Kaylee and Olivia.
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