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Subsea Global Solutions Removes Anchor Chain Debris Before Vessel's Planned Departure

Case Study

Subsea Global Solutions Removes Anchor Chain Debris Before Vessel's Planned Departure

An urgent request arose for Subsea Global Solutions to remove heavy debris from the starboard side anchor chain of a commercial vessel anchored in English Bay in the Port of Vancouver, Canada. The debris was reported to have surrounded the anchor and had several lines leading towards the ocean seabed. The local Harbor Master required that all debris be removed and properly disposed of before the vessel could sail to it's next destination.

Subsea Global Solutions expedited a team of 4 expert commercial diver technicians from our Vancouver office to complete the task before the planned vessel departure. We mobilized out of the Macfish Dock in North Vancouver utilizing a specialized workboat equipped with a hydraulic crane to assist with the debris removal. Upon arrival, the starboard side anchor was suspended just above the waterline ready for our team to begin the removal process. The debris in question was a 2” hawser line and the removal process was going as expected until it was determined that the hawser line increased in tension as it was being lifted onto the workboat. This indicated that the hawser line was attached to an unknown object on the ocean seabed. Considering the angle of the hawser line, it was believed to have been ensnared underneath the port side anchor, which was lowered once the starboard side anchor was lifted and the debris was first identified. With this anomaly, the Subsea Global Solutions team communicated the new findings to the vessel and it is was agreed to by the Master that the diver technicians should remain alongside the vessel until the planned departure in order to remove the final length of hawser line as the port anchor was being lifted. Subsea Global Solutions affirmed this as it was a safety/ security measure to establish a safe zone from the surrounding vessels whether commercial or pleasure. Once the port anchor began its ascent, the hawser line gave way and started to rise, but it was found to be a much heavier load—requiring the use of the workboat’s hydraulic crane. When the final length of hawser line reached the deck of the workboat, we found that that the tail end was entangled with a concrete block and a large dock line thimble. Thankfully, this load was easily managed with the workboat's dependable hydraulic crane and the final entangled line was removed expeditiously from the both vessel anchors.

The project was completed within the vessel's planned departure time, eliminating the need of Pilot cancelation or rescheduling. The hawser line was disposed of through the proper channels and the client was pleased with the project completion time frame giving thanks to Subsea Global Solutions for its quick response time.

​​​​​Our goal is to always deliver unrivaled service. From hull maintenance to complex ship repair, there is only one global resource you can truly rely on; Subsea Global Solutions.


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